Do you have any of these problems?
管理が面倒 -
残業は当たり前 -
浸透しない -
訪問が偏っている -
引き継ぎが大変 -
帰社後の報告作業をゼロに。One-tap reporting that can be completed onsite reduces reporting work after returning to the office to zero.
In the field of trading and wholesale companies, it is commonplace to prepare reports in Excel or on paper and summarize them after returning to the office. Going directly to the office and returning home is a dream, It is a dream come true to go straight back home, and sometimes the work takes up the entire workday or even the weekend. With UPWARD, activity reports can be completed with a single tap on a mobile device, even when you are out of the office. Weekly reports and meeting materials are also automatically compiled. This allows you to This dramatically improves work efficiency by eliminating the time-consuming task of submitting reports after returning to the office and tabulating reports on weekends. It is a system that can increase the flexibility of the work style itself.
モバイル完結のワンタップ報告!Dramatically reduce the cumbersome reporting process! Mobile-complete one-tap reporting!
解放で本質的な業務に集中できる!Free from wasteful tallying and additional reporting, allowing you to focus on essential tasks!
外回り営業の働き方改革!Reform of the work style of outside sales staff to promote immediate reporting and direct return to the office!
属人化を防いで引き継ぎまでスムーズに。Accumulate and utilize the history with customers as company assets. Preventing the use of a single person and facilitating the handover.
In the trading and wholesale industry, where the number of customers in charge is large, In trading companies and wholesalers with a large number of customers, the management of customer information tends to become more personalized, and it is not uncommon for customer information to be lost in the past when a customer transfers to another company or leaves the company. UPWARD automatically stores not only business cards and key person information, but also daily correspondence, business negotiations, and the content of meetings, making it possible to visualize and share customer information as a "medical record" for the entire company. This information can be visualized and shared throughout the company as a "medical record. Furthermore, customer information and past interactions can be easily checked with a single mobile device even when away from the office, This allows for smooth communication even after a handover.
これまでの歩みが会社の資産に!Consolidate all information on the customer axis! The history of the company is the asset of the company!
Avoiding the Risk of Genralization and
Smooth handover!
Smooth handover by avoiding the risk of assignments to a specific person!
顧客に関する情報が確認できる!Information about customers can be viewed on the go via mobile devices!
競争の激しい新規開拓に、戦略的なアプローチを。In new business development sales, it is common to create target lists in Excel or on paper, and approach each target individually. With UPWARD, a mobile-complete system, target lists can be visualized on a map to realize strategic visitation activities. For example, by displaying unvisited customers in "black" and acquired customers in "white, This enables activities while visualizing results, like a game of Othello. As a device for preventing internal activity batting, it is also effective to indicate with icons those visits that have already been declined. Since all activity status is automatically totaled on the dashboard, the process of acquiring new clients can be visualized. The know-how of highly successful people and departments can be shared within the company for use in human resource development.
効果的にアプローチ!Visualize new customers on a map and approach them effectively!
確実なPDCAが回る仕組みを実現!Automatic tabulation of the process of acquiring new customers! Realization of a reliable PDCA cycle system!
社内の人材育成ナレッジへ!High-performer sales know-how to in-house human resource development knowledge!
お得意先との信頼関係を揺るぎないものへ。Assist optimal regular visits with pin marks on a map. Builds a solid relationship of trust with your clients.
In the trading and wholesale business, The key to success is to visit customers at the right time and deepen relationships with them. UPWARD visualizes the importance of the customer and the number of days since the last visit by the color and size of the pin. This system allows anyone to intuitively know "where to go," and thus enables sales activities without omissions. Through appropriate periodic visits, we are able to quickly catch rapidly changing customer needs and market trends. We will further strengthen the relationship of trust with our clients.
“行くべき先”が直感でわかる!Visualize the progress since the last visit! Intuitively know "where to go"!
信頼関係をさらに強固に!Catch your needs with regular visits! Further strengthening the relationship of trust!
Visualization on the business card axis in addition to the corporate axis
Ensure regular contact with key personnel!
Visualization on the business card axis in addition to the corporate axis ensures regular contact with key persons!
わずらわしい付帯業務からの解放を実現。Significantly reduces the burden of daily tallying, forecasting, and document preparation. Freeing you from tedious and time-consuming ancillary work.
Do you spend most of your time on the daily work of sharing progress, submitting weekly reports, and tallying the results in Word or Excel? Even after the tallying is completed, you are probably still busy preparing documents for management meetings. With UPWARD, you can, With UPWARD, information reported in the field is automatically compiled and reflected in dashboards, reports, and customer charts. When linked to the core system, even forecast management can be automated. The data can also be used as a document for management meetings. Let's drastically reduce the labor required for incidental tasks and transform meetings into a place to discuss the next move.
大幅な業務効率化を実現!Automate all kinds of tallying operations! Achieve significant business efficiency!
予実管理も自動集計!Linkage with the core system allows for automatic tabulation of forecast and actual results management!
次の一手を議論する場所へ!Make the meeting a place to discuss next steps, not just a place to report!