Features of UPWARD
Store and utilise on-site customer data quickly and smoothly. All of this is achieved with a thoroughly intuitive functionality.

"Store" customer data
Patented Automatic detection of stay records
The app detects and automatically displays potential companies to visit. This can significantly reduce the time and effort required for reporting.
Auto call logging
Call logs are automatically recorded in the CRM. Easy reporting even when on the road.
Easy reporting & management
Templates for report content can be set. Daily and monthly reports can be easily produced without variation.
Voice input
Text can be entered only by voice. No-tap recording even when your hands are occupied.
Industry map linkage
It can be linked to maps that match the characteristics of the industry, for example, the blue map used in the real estate industry.
Chat linkage
Can be linked to major chat tools. Information can be shared in real time without opening the CRM.
"Utilize" customer data
Accumulated activity data can be analysed on various axes, such as by team, by year, by sales office...
Customer record
Key personnel's business cards, past sales records and other customer data remain, so handover is easy.
Customer mapping
The color and size of the pin visualises the priority of the visit. Enables strategic visiting activities to the destinations that need to be visited.
Push notifications
Timely notification of customers near your current location. Assists you in visiting customers in between activities.
Nearby search
Allows you to quickly check nearby customer information. You can also narrow down your search by keyword.
Route planning
Navigate the quickest and easiest way to the destination of your visit with a single tap operation.

A full overview of the benefits and best practices of the introduction of the system
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