UPWARD AGENT launches "Photo Registration Function"

UPWARD Inc. (Location: Minato-ku, Tokyo; President & CEO: Ryusuke Kaneki; hereinafter "UPWARD") has launched a "photo registration function" on its mobile application UPWARD AGENT for field workers.
About UPWARD AGENT "Photo Registration Function"
UPWARD AGENT is a mobile application for field workers that reduces the burden of inputting visit activity results into CRM through a function utilizing automatic detection of stay records (patented Note 1). The newly offered "photo registration function" allows fieldworkers to register photos taken with their smartphones into CRM in a single step, along with activity input.

Photographs are extremely effective as a means of gathering information because they can accurately and instantly record a great deal of information, and many field workers take photos of the places they visit. However, many of these photos are actually stored in the camera roll of the person in charge due to the time and effort required to transfer them to a PC, and this has been cited as a problem. In addition, UPWARD AGENT enables mobile users to register photos as part of the activity reporting process in a single step, and also solves the following issues when storing photos in CRM.

注1 UPWARD、「滞在記録の自動検知」に関する特許を取得 (2021年10月29日発表) https://www.upward.jp/info/20211029
UPWARD is a sales engagement service that utilizes advanced location-based technology to automatically detect and record sales activity data in CRM to optimize the sales activities of sales representatives in the field. By automatically overlaying accumulated sales activity data and CRM data on a map and automatically notifying optimal approach destinations, UPWARD supports the formulation of strategic sales plans utilizing CRM data.
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PR team, Corporate Group Division, UPWARD Co.
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